Good News, Everyone! It’s the best Sci-Fi show ever

by | Aug 27, 2020 | Movies & TV | 0 comments

While I hold onto hope that someday this title might get passed along to a Black Ocean adaptation, I just want to talk about the best sci-fi show ever made. With all due respect to the likes of Star Trek, Dr. Who, X-Files, and Firefly, the best science fiction ever put on television is…


You can make cases for all the others I mentioned and many more. It’s a subjective claim, but I stand by my champion.

It’s funny, while still having a lot of heart. It’s off-the-wall wacky, while still paying attention to details. It integrated social commentary without being preachy. It incorporated a huge cast while paying proper respect (or disrespect) to all.

Futurama provided such enduring nuggets as “Shut up and take my money,” time-loop self-grandfatherhood, and snu-snu.

It could be deeply philosophical in “Godfellas,” wring tears from the crustiest of hearts in “Jurassic Bark,” and weave intricate multithreaded plots in “300 Big Boys.” The animated format allowed immense leeway (Leelaway?) to explore situations that would be too absurd for live-action, and Futurama took full advantage. It was a series written by scientists, mathematicians, and physicists (albeit ones with a twisted sense of humor), and it showed.

Anyone who hasn’t had a chance, check out Futurama on whatever streaming service has it right now (as of this posting… seems like Hulu these days).

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